Many business owners look for the one solution to fix their problems based on a given metric. The reality is the small wins in all aspects throughout the business make a huge difference. Welcome to episode 170 of the Grow My Accounting Practice.
On this episode, we talk with Lynn Mattice. One of the big challenges that accountants and bookkeepers face, often do to their introversion, is the being confident in themselves. Lynn walks us through her ways in finding confidence in herself, some tips for you to do the same and as a result grow a practice that you can be proud of, dictate a massive premium and walk into any room extremely confident.
On this episode of Grow My Accounting Practice we discuss photography and the power of headshots when it comes to promoting your brand. We talk about how lighting, your smile, the attire you wear, color, and your attitude, and how it all plays into making your photograph amazing in different ways. Obi Ron Kenobi also gives a great tip about the power of group photos and testimonials.
Setting an intention to create a high-level experience for your customers can be revolutionary to your business. Christeen Era walks us through how she made her customer's experience a priority and the impact that has had on her practice. Welcome to episode 167 of the Grow My Accounting Practice Podcast.